Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Be ware of the MOOCH!

This is just a little advice about what to look for when letting someone train at your private facility.

1) Make sure the person isnt 32 yrs old and their life's ambition is to work at Pizza Hut as a delivery driver claiming to make $800-$1000 dollars a week.

2 )Make sure this person doesnt live on the outskirts of town in an international hostile.

3) Make sure this person doesnt introduce themselves when meeting others as "hi my name is Jeff and I am a strongman."

4) Make sure this person wont use all of the chalk, say they will replace it, not replace it and claim that they are sick of training at a place where people dont replace things that are used. (chalk is $2.99 by the way)

5) Make sure that if you let this type of person in and they start leaving Tim Horton coffee cups full of urine on the ledge of the wall that you fine them or terminate them right away. This goes for pissing outside of the gym door entrance as well.

6) Make sure that if you let this douchbag train at your facility that he doesnt tell others that he co-owns the place with you.

7) Make sure that if this mo-mo manipulates you into letting him train their that you kick him out as soon as you hear him say in a moaning girly voice "owe owe owe that hurts" while doing the atlas stones.

8) Make sure that he doesnt use 2-3inchs of tacky when doing the stones.

9) Make sure he doesnt talk nice to your face and then ripp you to others behind your back.

10) Kick his ass out when he complains about how the weights he brought to use at the gym are being destroyed when they are used on the sled for dragging even though they dont touch the ground and THEY ARE WEIGHTS NOT PRECIOUS DIAMONDS!

11) And lastly for now as my fingers are getting sore, KICK HIS ARSE OUT if he complains about the place at all when he begged 3-4 times the previous year to be allowed to come and train and all he does is bitch about how dirty it is, how cold it is, and how he hates training at a place where people are broke even though he has an outstanding debt with 2 ex friends of his because he told them that he could get them a great deal on supplements and they gave him $375 each and he used that money for rent (3yrs ago) and still hasnt attempted to pay them back at all but likes to brag about all the stuff he has purchased.


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